Saturday, 10 February 2018

Are You Down Or Depressed? See Things You can do When Depressed!

Depression can occur when things are not going smooth with you! It can be caused by unemployment, heartbreaking, brokenness and so on.. Most people commits suicide because they can handle it.
So we compiled some possible things you can engage with when down or depressed. 

1) Listen To Music : Music heals the pains of  the heart and mind! Listening to music (your favorite) can actually ease your mind from whatever you are going through. 

2) Call Your Lover or Bestie : You can always reach out to your loved ones, your boyfriend or Girlfriend, they will help you forget your sorrows if you can confide in them. 

3) Play Games On Your Phone : By the time you played your favorite mobile games, you would have forgotten your worries at the moment. 

4) Watch Movies : If loneliness want to kill you, you can watch some action movies! It will help you. 

5) Pray : This is actually important.. The best thing you can do is to tell God your problem. Talk to God and your worries will be washed away. 

You can add Yours! 

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